Alexandra Kay Has a Community Phone Number!

Text Alexandra Kay at +1 (615) 235-5743

Alexandra Kay recently announced that she is using her Community phone number again! Fans can text her simply by texting +1 (615) 235-5743 and adding themselves to her contacts.

Alexandra Kay has been texting fans, and updating them about exclusive experiences, new merchandise, tour dates, music, or just to chat!

“With social media, it’s simple for me to post and share content on multiple platforms, but given all of the algorithms I know that not many of you actually see everything I post. With my Community phone number, not only will I be able to reach all of you, but instead of a one-way street where I send you content, it becomes a two-way street where I can have an amazing conversation.”

With over 5,000 people already in her texting community Alexandra Kay has had hundreds of wonderful one-on-one interactions with her fans already. She recently shared a few conversations with the team:

Alexandra Kay is loving the real conversations and excited to continue having them. She realizes that her most loyal fans, both old and new, are the ones who have made her career possible.

It’s important to mention that the phone number is text-only, and cannot accept calls. There is no cost associated with texting the number other than standard SMS rates and carrier charges which are unique to your phone plan!

Nick Simmonds